
In this blog, you'll find just about anything I find interesting...my passions, ideas and craziness- music, art, literature and much more. I hope you enjoy!!!

Pilot Whales in Key Largo Need Your Help

Three remaining pilot whales from a pod of 23 that stranded itself off the lower... keys have fought to stay alive in a bayside pen at the Marine Mammal Conservancy in Key Largo.
All but 8 of the 23 whales died, most within the first 24 hours. Two of the survivors rebounded quickly and were released back into the ocean within days. Three failed to recover and were euthanized. . #300 is still in critical condition and still fighting a tough case of pneumonia. #302 is in guarded condition and we continue to work on her severe C-curvature problems. #301 is in stable condition and is swimming on her own several hours each day...
There is a shortage of volunteers. The volunteer pool is dwindling. Please tell all your friends. Call 305-451-4774 to sign up. Rally all you can!