
In this blog, you'll find just about anything I find interesting...my passions, ideas and craziness- music, art, literature and much more. I hope you enjoy!!!


After reading great reviews on "Gone With The Wind" , I decided to pick it up and give it a try. This book is 1448 pages long, and will probably take me at least a month to read but so far, it's fastly becoming one of my favorite books. I'll let you know how I feel once I finish it, but in the mean time...I'm going to put my bitch face on!

(couldn't find source of this image)

Frida the Grand Diva

One of my favorite artists in the world is the late Frida Kahlo de Rivera. She is an Icon not only for her genius contribution to the art world, but for her unique style and "mode de vie". In her paintings you see her passion, her pain and her life unfold. Frida suffered lifelong health problems, many of which stemmed from a traffic accident in her teenage years. These issues are reflected in her self-portraits.

"I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration. "

At 22 she married fellow artist Diego Rivera, who was 20 year her senior. Their love withstood despite, Diego's infidelities, a divorce, Frida's bi-sexual relationships, her poor health, infertility, re-marriage and the pressures of their careers.

"There have been two great accidents in my life. One was the trolley, and the other was Diego. Diego was by far the worst. "

She is gone now but her legacy will live on forever......Viva Frida!