
In this blog, you'll find just about anything I find interesting...my passions, ideas and craziness- music, art, literature and much more. I hope you enjoy!!!

Movie Night

Watching "Silence of the Lambs" with hubby and my little min pin! This movie never gets old. Creepy, but Fantastic!

India doesn't want a bath!!

My little min pin hates taking a bath or having her teeth brushed!! She's so smart...check her out!

I Miss True Blood

image via truebloodiares.tumblr.com Waiting Sucks!!

Great stuff!

There is nothing more honest and interesting than listening to and watching real people unscripted!
why do people point at their wrist asking for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours?

You Got the LOVE!!

Florence and the Machine!

Hottest Shoes

Inspired by Marie Antoinette, Christian Louboutin created this limited edition shoe. They come in yellow, pink and blue silk shoes and are priced at $6,295.00. Aren't they HOT???... but I think with that price tag, I'll have to pass!

Last Night Trailer

Last Night is a movie about a "happily" married couple that while apart for one night, both are confronted with TEMPTATION! I wonder which one will give in? Sam Worthington and Keira Knightly are both great, so I have to go check this one out! In theaters, May 6th!

Random Shots!

Saw this little fellow today and snapped a shot!

Diane Kochilas' Moussaka!!

Ok, so I was watching an episode of "Bobby Flay's Throwdown!" a few nights ago. It was Greek Chef, Diane Kochilas traditional Moussaka against Bobby's updated version. OMG..after one hour of this show.... my mouth was salavating for some Moussaka. So, I decided to give Diane's recipe a try!!!

My Moussaka...4 hours later!! OPA

It was Yummy, the husband LOVED IT, but it was so much work. I will definitely make it again...maybe next year!